
Leisure Arts Quilt Patterns Offer Variety

If you have not yet tried Leisure Arts quilt patterns, stop by your local library or bookstore to see what you have been missing! Leisure Arts is one of the world's largest publishers of craft instructional guides. Located in Little Rock, Arkansas, Leisure Arts publishes instructional DVDs, books, leaflets, and newsletters in addition to its website,

The company has many focuses from cross stitch to knitting, to Christmas entertaining. Leisure Arts'quilting patterns are some you will not want to miss. Mary Engelbreit fans will love the Leisure Arts quilt patterns book called "Breit Quilts to Applique." "A Banquet of Quilts" is another Leisure Arts quilt patterns book.

The designs are for quilted placemats and table runners. The quilt patterns will give you beautiful finished products to dress up any table and delight guest for many years. Leisure Arts features 12 patterns in "A Year of Rag Quilts.

" The blocks that the patterns help you create make great wall hangings and pillows. Combine them to make a full quilt! "Seven Day Quilts" promises to teach techniques that will get you a completely finished quilt within a week! The Leisure Arts quilt patterns in this book are for very colorful quilts. If you are looking for quilt patterns that are more traditional, Leisure Arts offers those, too. Leisure Arts quilt patterns of long ago are brought back to life in "Antqieu Quilts Recreated".

The book also demonstrates how to use reproduction fabrics in your quilting so your new quilt will look almost identical to the old ones! Leisure Arts also offers some free patterns. To enjoy some free Leisure Arts quilt patterns, visit the website and click on the "Free Downloads" tab. You will need to enter your name and email address to register, but the downloads that follow are free. There are quilting and other craft projects availalbe to download. From the craft downloads, you will find fun creations like a child's rose petal t-shirt, a holiday card holder, and necklaces. You will also find downloads for crochet and knitting, cross stitch, recipes, and paper crafts, too.

Leisure Arts quilt patterns and other Leisure Arts projects available by podcasts or webcasts. If you are interested in downloading those, select the "Webcast" tab and follow the directions. You will be able to select your focus, either quilting, crafts, cross stitch, etc., from a drop down menu. Once you download your audio or video, you can watch or listen to the instructions at your convenience.

After looking at the Leisure Arts quilt patterns and other projects, you may decide you are ready to buy one of the company's books. The company offers its instructional books for sale online but they are also available in traditional bookstores. There is a "Store Locator" tab that will help you find your nearest dealer. Also, do not forget to check your local library.

You may luck out and find that your library has nearly an entire collection! Leisure Arts' designs come primarily from freelance designers. This means that if you have a special pattern you have created, you have the opportunity to get it included in an upcoming Leisure Arts quilt patterns book! To learn more information about how to get your own projects considered for publication, check out the company's website. Click on "About Us" then look down to see the "How We Get Our Designs" heading. You will find all the information you need there!.

Penny Halgren is a quilter of 27 years. She loves to share her knowledge of quilting with those who would like to learn how to quilt. Sign up for a free newsletter, quilting tips and quilt block patterns at

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