
How to avoid potentially violent crimes

Unfortunately, violent crimes happen every 15 seconds and with a murder being committed somewhere in the United States every 20 minutes. So far, violent crimes have increased since January of this year. The statistics should not be ignored, even if we think that a violent crime couldn't happen to us. According to a police chief's opinion in Los Angeles, crime is definitely on its way back. It seems to be prevalent in the youth of today ? ones that have chosen to disassociate themselves from America's mainstream.

Teenagers, these days, seem to shoot the victims they rob even if the victims were handing over all of their valuables. Today's crimes seem to have some new elements: 1. Robbers, especially in the category of juveniles, have the tendency to shoot their victims more readily even when the victims show no resistance.

Street codes, today, seem to be different - the crime is not considered a robbery unless someone has been shot. 2. Shootings that occur among gangs of youth seem now to be tied to "disrespect" rather than being related to drugs or a gang infringing upon the territory of another gang. Seven people happened to get shot all in the period of only 24 hours because some girlfriends of rival gangs got into an argument. This happened in Trenton, NJ. 3.

It seems that shootings and robberies are on the rise among people of the same ethnic or racial minority. It was found that approximately 33% of Boston's gun crimes happened to take place where minorities live. Obviously, with robbery also on the increase, you want to make sure not to put yourself in harm's way by not carrying any valuables or a large stash of cash! If you find that you are being confronted by a robber, always cooperate. You may wind up getting hurt if you put up any resistance. So, how do you avoid becoming a victim? Here are some tips for females to lessen the chance of becoming sexually assaulted: 1.

Have your cell phone with you and make sure that the police emergency number is preprogramed and ready to dial. By having a cell phone, it shows that you're prepared, and criminals normally choose to stay away from prepared targets. 2. Instead of your full name, use only the initials of your first name on your mail box or in the telephone directory listing. 3. Make it a habit to have someone with you, if you have to go to the laundry room of your apartment complex or when finding your car in a parking garage.

Some places have security guards. 4. You should never admit that you're alone, if someone calls or knocks on your door. 5. If you need a ride home, don't accept it from someone you just met. 6.

Always look inside your vehicle before getting in. Once you're in your car, immediately, lock the doors, start the engine, and leave the area. You can never be too careful. Paying attention, trusting your instincts, and avoiding dangerous places are the basic strategies to remember.

For women, it may be a good idea to take a self-defense course. By following the above tips, you may just be able to avoid being the next victim of violent crime!.

Angela Hebert is in the business of providing self defense products that will offer that extra protection when you need it most. To buy stun guns, pepper spray and more, go to: ''

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